2010 WFG Seed CSA

CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. The way the WFG Seed CSA works is as follows. At the beginning of the season, we compile selections of seeds that we consider to be the best tasting, the easiest to grow, and the most appropriate vegetable & herb varieties for gardeners of varied experience levels.

This is where WFG Founder Brenda Foster's farming background is so valuable. Brenda knows the varieties of vegetables that are grown by farmers and gardeners for quality, taste, disease resistance, yield potential, etc. Therefore, the varieties she chooses for the WFG Seed CSA taste GREAT, are resistant to many soil-borne diseases and consistently produce high yields in a timely manner.

In addition to providing our customers the best varieties of the common vegetables that can be grown in Wisconsin, our Seed CSA also features seeds only from reputable seed companies that are well-known for their reliable seed germination rates, third party inspections for Organic Certification, and vegetable strains that grow true to their name. Basically, we use environmentally & socially responsible seed companies that organic farmers throughout the nation trust for their own farming needs.

We are very excited about this year's Seed CSA!
Our goal is to provide gardeners of all experience levels and garden sizes with the high-quality seeds and the best vegetable varieties that will produce for them both an enjoyable gardening experience and a bounty of fresh, spectacularly delicious Wisconsin garden produce.